Pfsense router

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Revision as of 15:10, 24 April 2023 by Eden (talk | contribs)
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The rear of the pfsense router as it is now. The hard drive in the picture on the right was replaced with an SSD. Note how the PSU isn't plugged in, since it's powered off a PicoPSU instead.

In this old supermicro 1u case is my pfsense router, the main router used in my house. It hosts a wireguard server, amongst other things. It is powered with an AMD A4-5000, a nice low powered CPU with AES hardware acceleration (unlike intel processors of the same era). It is powered off a PicoPSU, which saves ~5w. It uses a dedicated intel i350 NIC, which is very nice.

The system information of my pfSense box. As you can see, the CPU and Memory usage are perhaps overkill... Currently the DNS is set to google's DNS since apparently my roomies don't enjoy having an adblock. I used to use Pi-Hole on a Raspberry Pi.